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.FYI Page - Edition #32 ..................................................................................................... March 2010.

*** Welcome ***

to the Ba Gua Zhang (Pa Kua Chang) Website of Sifu Park Bok-Nam!

We hope that you will find this site to be interesting and informative,

and will use it as a starting point for learning more about the Ba Gua Zhang of Lu Shui-Tian.

We have been fortunate to receive a number of awards for this website and wish to
extend our thanks and appreciation to the grantors of these awards.
You can view them by clicking on

Featured in this edition of the FYI Page:

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FYI Page - Edition #32 ....................................................................................................... March 2010
  • Links to all Back Issues of the FYI Page are available on the Reference Information  page.  They contain articles on many important topics that are of particular interest to serious Qi Gong (Chi Kung) and Ba Gua Zhang (Pa Kua Chang) practitioners.  So, don't forget to check them out. 
  • Originally, this site was intended solely to provide information and education.  But, due to numerous requests, arrangements have been made to make Master Park's books and videos available directly. 
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Master Park's videos are now available on DVD format.

Click here for:
Order Info
  • Check out the  Regular Classes  and the  Seminars/Training Camp  pages to get the very latest information concerning the availability of classes and instruction.
           Training Camps for 2010:

Master Park will be offering 2 Training Camps in 2010:

US Summer Training Camp

Disciple Qi Gong Training Camp

       Seminars for 2010:

Master Park will be offering 2 types of Seminars in 2010.

 Free Introductory Seminar

 2-Day Ba Gua Zhang Seminar

 These will be offered at a number of select locations

Check the 2010 Seminar Schedule for locations, dates, and contacts.

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FYI Page - Edition #32 .................................................................................................. March 2010

Where Are Your Priorities?
- F. Hriadil -
We all make decisions about how to spend our time and our money.  During good economic times, the decisions tend to be easy because we have more spare time and the extra income to do many things.  But, even under the best of economic conditions, some people still struggle with finances.  Under tough economic times, many more of us face critical decisions on how and where to spend our time and our money.  The question comes down to where your priorities are?

There is a general tendency for students to stop, and non-students to refrain from, taking exercise classes, during tougher economic times.  These people view exercise practice as a “luxury” that can be discarded or postponed when money starts to become tight. They will still go to parties or still go to movies or still go to restaurants with their friends, etc.  They will find the time and money to do that.  But, they stop or postpone their exercise classes.  Is this a wise decision?

It is an undeniable fact that your health is priceless.  It is a precious thing.  But, many take it for granted until they lose it.  Maybe you can’t go to restaurants or take fabulous vacations, but if you have your health, there will be a measure of joy, serenity, and quality in your life that no amount of money can replace.  When you are healthy, you are there for your family, your church, your friends, your work, etc.  If you are not healthy, then life can be very miserable and depressing no matter what your circumstance.   Good health is the key to happiness and longevity.   So, what is the best investment of time and money that you can make in your lives?

The best investment that anyone can make in their lives is the investment in their health.   It should be the number one consideration.  To achieve and maintain good health, one needs good quality food and good quality exercise.  These are not areas where people should scrimp or cut back on.  It is better to buy less expensive clothes, less expensive cars, less expensive houses, etc., than to save money by eating cheaper, low quality food and stopping good quality exercise training.

All food provides some benefit, but not all food is the same.  All exercise has some benefit, but not all exercise is the same.  One must eat the right kinds of foods for good health.  And, one must do the right kinds of exercise for good health.  One must make wise and informed choices. 


It takes both time and money to educate and develop oneself in these areas.  And, it takes both time and money to carry out and maintain the “eating practice” and the “exercise practice” that is required.    But, this is time and money that is well spent.  It will pay dividends for the rest of your life.


There can be no better quality exercise than one that focuses on health.  The Chinese internal practice of  traditional Ba Gua Zhang (Pa Kua Chang) is one such practice.  And again, one must understand that not all Ba Gua Zhang is the same.  It must be taught correctly, in the traditional way, and according to the natural principles upon which it is based. 

The decision is ultimately yours to make.    And, it all comes down to one simple question,    “Where are your priorities?”

= = =
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